Local governments in Western Australia are required to maintain a local planning scheme. A local planning scheme provides the statutory guidance for development including development provisions, permitted land uses and compliance matters. The City of Subiaco Local Planning Scheme No. 5 (LPS5) was gazetted on 21 February 2020.
For information regarding scheme amendments, view the
Scheme Amendments FAQ.
The Deemed Provisions within the
Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 automatically applies to all local planning schemes as of 19 October 2015 and must be read in conjunction with LPS5.
The following Planning Codes are referenced within LPS 5:
Residential Design Codes
Clause 24 of LPS 5 states the City may prepare a register of non-conforming uses, and Clause 13A of Schedule 1 – Supplemental Provisions to the Deemed Provisions of LPS 5 requires a Significant Tree Register to be established and maintained by the City. A copy of the Non-Conforming Use Register and Significant Tree Register are available below:
The Residential Design Codes
(R-Codes) are a State Government Planning Code which set out the controls for residential development for the whole of Western Australia. The R-Codes are read in conjunction with LPS 5 and the City's local planning policies.
IMPORTANT: A new version of the R-Codes Volume 1 became operational on 10 April 2024. The version includes new provisions for medium density development. For further information, refer to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
Table 1 below identifies which volume may apply to your development.
Table 1 - Breakdown of R-Codes Volumes
The Deemed Provisions allows Council to adopt planning policies that guide both residential and non-residential development. Planning policies are designed to ensure a high quality of development is maintained through consistent decision making and the processing of development applications in a fair and equitable manner.
1.0 Residential
2.0 Commercial
3.0 Conservation and Heritage
4.0 Environment and Natural Resources
5.0 Transport and Infrastructure
6.0 Design Guidelines and Precinct Plans
7.0 Planning Procedures
8.0 Miscellaneous
DevelopmentWA (Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority) Transitioned Policies
Note: For development controls relating to former City of Subiaco properties transfered to the City of Perth via the City of Perth Act 2016, refer to the
City of Perth website.
While the majority of development in the City of Subiaco is guided by the local planning scheme, portions of Subiaco Centro and Subiaco East areas are guided by the Subiaco Redevelopment Scheme 2, under the control of DevelopmentWA (formerly the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority).
For information regarding development matters related to the Subiaco Redevelopment Scheme, visit the
DevelopmentWA website.