The agendas and finalised minutes of the Metro Inner DAP are available on the
DAP website.
For more information, please contact DAP Secretariat on 6551 9919 or at
Meetings start once a quorum is achieved and the minute-taker is in attendance.
Formalities such as noting the minutes, absences, apologies and disclosures of interest are completed.
The presiding member then invites submitters' presentations to be made. DAP members then consider and discuss the responsible authority’s reports, and determine the applications by consensus or by majority vote.
The presiding member then reports to the panel on any applications to amend/cancel DAP approval and any SAT reviews.
Lastly, any general business is discussed and the meeting is closed. The
Standing Orders sets procedures for the efficient administration and operation of DAP meetings.
DAP meetings are open to the public, streamed online and are held at 140 William Street, Perth.
However, in some cases, the meeting may be held at local government facilities. The meeting agenda will establish the location. Contact DAPs on (08) 6551 9919 or for further information.
When a DAP application is advertised under the local planning scheme and/or region schemes, submissions may be sent to the local government. Submitters may also wish to present at the DAP meeting.
Any submitter wishing to address the DAP must send a DAP
presentation request form to the DAP Secretariat at least 72 ordinary hours before the meeting by email to
The presentation request form is to be accompanied by a written document setting out the name of the person or representative of the group, the DAP application it relates to, and the substance of the submission the person or group proposes to make.
The presiding member has discretion over how many submissions may be received at the meeting. They may approve or refuse a request and decide the order in which presentations are made. All presentations are limited to a maximum of three minutes.
- Item: DAP/22/02218 – 414 Rokeby Road SUBIACO
Application Details: Construction of a 5 storey mixed use development, including 4 commercial tenancies and 7 Multiple Dwellings (apartments). This item was reconsidered and conditionally approved at the meeting held 1 December 2023. Download the meeting minutes here.
- Item: DAP/23/02484 – 22-24 Hood Street SUBIACO
Application Details: Nine (9) storey Mixed Use development (50 Multiple Dwellings and 2 commercial tenancies). This item was determined at the meeting held 21 August 2023. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/15/00921 - 263-277 Hay Street & 17-19 Olive Street SUBIACO (extension of time)
Application Details: Variation to original planning approval – extension of time request (6 storey mixed use development). This item was determined at the meeting held 13 January 2023. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/22/02310 – 455-465 Hay Street SUBIACO (Subiaco Hotel)
Application Details: Additions and alterations to existing Tavern. This item was determined at the meeting held 5 December 2022. Download the meeting minutes
- Item DAP/20/01923 - 91-101 Evans Street and 375-379 Railway Road SHENTON PARK (amendment)
Application details: Amendments to original development approval (Six storey mixed use development (60 apartments & 1 commercial tenancy (restaurant/cafe)). This item was determined at the meeting held 3 May 2022. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/15/00921 - 263-277 Hay Street and 17-19 Olive Street SUBIACO (amendment)
Application details: Amendments to original development approval (6 storey mixed use development). This item was determined at the meeting held 14 February 2022. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/21/02026 - 133 Salvado Road SUBIACO
Application details: Seven (7) storey residential development comprising 111 Multiple Dwellings. This item was determined at the meeting held 4 October 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01846 - 616 Hay Street JOLIMONT
Application details: Bulky Goods Showroom (Bunnings), Office, Local Shop and Restaurant/Cafe. This item was determined at the meeting held 10 September 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/21/01974 - 25 Rowland Street SUBIACO (amendment)
Application details: Six (6) storey mixed use development comprising commercial tenancy (Restaurant/Cafe) and 14 multiple dwelling. This item was determined at the meeting held 6 July 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01923 - 91-101 Evans Street and 375-379 Railway Road SHENTON PARK
Application details: Six storey mixed use development (60 apartments and 1 commercial tenancy (restaurant/cafe)). This item was determined at the meeting held 6 July 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01890 - 66 Jersey Street JOLIMONT (amendment)
Application details: Demolition of Existing Commercial Building and Construction of a Six Storey Mixed Use Development (Eight Multiple Dwellings and One Commercial Tenancy (Restaurant/Café). This item was determined at the meeting held 29 April 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/18/01530 - 10 Rokeby Road & 375 Roberts Road SUBIACO (amendment - ONE Subiaco)
Application details: Minor amendments to approved plans - 24 storey mixed use building This item was determined at the meeting held 29 April 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01920 - 154 Hay Street SUBIACO
Application details: Six Storey Mixed Use Development (12 Multiple Dwellings and 1 Commercial tenancy) This item was determined at the meeting held 12 April 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01890 - 66 Jersey Street JOLIMONT
Application details: Development of a Mixed Use 8 Multiple Dwelling, Cafe and Car Parking This item was deferred at the meeting held 10 February 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01895 - 51 Forrest Street SUBIACO
Application details: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of new commercial tenancy and 5 multiple dwellings. This item was determined at the meeting held 10 February 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01869 - 25 Rowland Street, Subiaco
Application details: Mixed-Use development (18 multiple dwellings & 1 ground floor commercial tenancy). This item was determined at the meeting held 12 January 2021. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01793 - 3-5 May Avenue, Subiaco
Application Details: Demolition of two grouped dwellings and construction of a three storey multiple dwelling development (12 apartments). This item was determined at the meeting held 8 September 2020. Download the meeting minutes
- Item: DAP/20/01760 – 1 Forrest Street, Subiaco
Application Details: Partial demolition of existing building, construction of a two storey commercial building (shop and office) and associated signage. The item was determined at the meeting held 22 June 2020. Request an archival copy of the minutes
- Item: DAP/18/01530 – 10 Rokeby Road and 375 Roberts Road, Subiaco (amendment - former Pavilion Market site)
Application Details: Amendment to previous development approval (construction of a 24 storey mixed use development precinct comprising basement parking, restaurants, fast food outlets, shops, small bar, tavern, office and multiple dwellings)
This item was determined at the meeting held 3 February 2020. Request an archival copy of the minutes
- Item: DAP/18/01642 – 95 Evans Street, Subiaco
Application Details: Four storey multiple dwelling development (10 apartments)
This item was determined at the meeting held 4 November 2019. Request an archival copy of the minutes
- Item: DAP/16/01132 – 18-22 Coghlan Road, Subiaco
Application Details: Extension to the term of planning approval
This item was determined at the meeting held 30 May 2019. Request an archival copy of the minutes
- Item: DAP/18/01530 – 10 Rokeby Road and 375 Roberts Road, Subiaco (former Pavilion Market site)
Application Details: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of a 24 storey mixed use development precinct comprising basement parking, restaurants, fast food outlets, shops, small bar, tavern, office and 240 multiple dwellings.
This item was determined at the meeting held 22 February 2019. Request an archival copy of the minutes
- Item: DAP/16/01154 – 18 Subiaco Road, Subiaco (amendment)
Application Details: Construction of 10 multiple dwellings – Extension to term of approval
This item was determined at the meeting held 21 November 2018. Request an archival copy of the minutes
- Item: DAP/18/01369 – 368 Rokeby Road, Subiaco
Application Details: Two (2) ground level commercial tenancies and 10 multiple dwellings – Retention and refurbishment of balcony over Rokeby Road.
This item was determined at the meeting held 24 April 2018. Request an archival copy of the minutes
- Item: DAP/14/00680 – 375 Roberts Road and 10 Rokeby Road, Subiaco (former Pavilion Market site)
Application Details: Demolition of Existing Buildings and Construction of Restaurants, Fast food outlets, Shops, Small Bar, Roof Top Bar, Car Parking, Parking Station, Residential Apartments, Resident Amenities, Open Air Cinema and Public Lanes and Arcades – Extension to term of approval
This item was determined at the meeting held 4 December 2017. Request an archival copy of the minutes
For copies of meeting minutes before 2017, request an archival copy of the minutes
From 1 March 2024, DAPs are a completely opt-in process for any development over $2 million (excluding single houses). There are no mandatory thresholds.
The following will not be determined by a DAP:
- Construction of a single house and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development.
- Development in an improvement scheme area.
- A public work.
- Development wholly within an area identified as a regional reserve under a region planning scheme.
DAP applications must be assessed following the local government’s standard process set out in its local planning scheme. This includes public advertising, if required, and consultation with internal departments and external referral agencies.
The City must then prepare a Responsible Authority Report (RAR) including a recommendation to the DAP. Applications are determined by the Metro Inner DAP at a special meeting of its members.
When lodging a DAP application, the applicant must submit the application forms and supporting documentation and pay any fees required under the local planning scheme, and those required by
DAP regulations.
Part 11B Significant Development Pathway became operational on 1 March 2024 and provides an assessment option for complex and significant development proposals.
All Part 11B applications will be coordinated by the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) within the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH).
More information is available on the Significant Development Pathway website.