Pre-consultation with neighbours
Before lodging a DA you are strongly encouraged to speak to your neighbours and show them concept plans. Most DAs are publicly advertised and discussing your proposal with neighbours may streamline the application process and strengthen local community connections.
The City's pre-lodgement public consultation concession offers a 25 per cent discount to DA fees for applicants who pro-actively consult on their development plans with neighbours prior to lodgement and meet the requirements of
Local Planning Policy 7.2: Refunding, Reducing and Waiving Planning Fees. For more details refer to our
Information Sheet or contact Planning Services on 9237 9222.
Pre-consultation with the City
Applicants are encouraged to discuss your proposal with a planning officer at a pre-lodgment meeting before submitting a DA.
The City’s officers can advise what information is needed, and explain the assessment process. 30-minute appointments are available Monday through Friday between 10:00am - 3:00pm.
Appointments are required; walk-in and same day appointments are not available.
To book your appointment, please call 9237 9222.
A Duty Planner is also available to provide advice over the phone between 9:00am - 4:30pm.
Development applications are most conveniently and efficiently lodged online through the City’s portal, allowing you to track the progress of your application.
Please ensure you complete and submit each of the following forms (where required) when submitting your DA. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Mandatory Forms:
You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the application when your application is formally lodged and receipted.
Public consultation may be undertaken for a period of 14 or 28 days.
If you have recently made a submission on a planning matter, please provide us with feedback through our
online survey.
Internal and External Referrals
Representatives of the City's Building; Environmental Health; Compliance, Engineering; Environment and Parks; Economic Development and Place; and Community Development departments may consider the proposal and decide if it meets the City's requirements. One or more of the departments may suggest changes and/or apply conditions or advisory notes.
Some applications may also be referred to external bodies for comment, such as the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage or Main Roads.
Design Review Panel Referrals
Some applications may be referred to the City's Design Review Panel for impartial architectural and design advice. For more information regarding the role and operation of the Panel, refer to
Local Planning Policy 7.1 Design Review Panel.
DAs are assessed by a planning officer under the provisions of Local Planning Scheme No. 5, relevant local planning policies and the Residential Design Codes (where applicable). For more information on applicable regulations and policies, visit the
Local Planning Controls and Policies page.
A development assessment will consider (but not limited to):
- The relevant local planning framework.
- The context of the site, its location and site conditions.
- Advice received from internal and external departments (e.g. Heritage, Engineering and Building).
- Submissions made during the public consultation period.
The time taken to assess individual applications varies. Depending on whether the application complies with the requirements of the local planning scheme and relevant policies, applications may be considered by delegated authority, or may be determined at a Council meeting.
The planning officer will prepare a report recommending approval or refusal of the DA. DAs may be determined via one of two decision-making processes; either direct delegation, where the decision on the DA is made by the City, or the DA may need to be determined by Council at an Ordinary Council Meeting.
If you would like to understand the roles and responsibilities of Staff and Council, refer to our
information sheet.
You will be advised in writing (electronically) of the final decision of your DA.
Applications are required to be assessed and determined within certain timeframes:
- within 60 days if public consultation is not required, or
- within 90 days if public consultation is required.
The City always aims to determine applications in a timely and efficient manner.
If you have recently had a DA determined by the City, please provide us with feedback on your experience through our online
If you made a public submission in relation to a DA, the City will notify you of the outcome. The City welcomes any feedback through our online
Development approvals are usually subject to conditions. Some conditions need to be formally cleared by the City before the development can be acted upon and for the approval to remain valid.
Conditions intend to achieve a planning purpose, and often require additional information and/or amendments to the plans after an approval is issued. Please refer to the
Condition Clearance Information Sheet, which outlines the process.
Please contact Planning Services on 9237 9222 or, to start the condition clearance process .