Strategic land use and transport planning
Local Planning Strategy
The Local Planning Strategy 2020 provides the framework for the City’s integrated and sustainable planning and development over the next 10 to 15 years.
The Strategy is the foundation of the City's Local Planning Scheme No. 5 (LPS 5).
Aligning with state planning policies and strategies, the City’s strategy provides a detailed rationale for the zones and development standards set out in LPS 5.
Local Planning Strategy 2020
Subiaco Activity Centre Plan
The Subiaco Activity Centre Plan was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 20 September 2016 and a modified version was endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 14 November 2017. The plan is a 10-year strategic planning document guiding land use and development in the Subiaco Town Centre.
• Subiaco Activity Centre Plan
North Subiaco Structure Plan
The North Subiaco Structure Plan was adopted by Council in May 2017. It is pending approval by the Western Australian Planning Commission.
• North Subiaco Structure Plan
Transport, Access and Parking Strategy
The City’s multi-disciplinary Transport, Access and Parking Strategy (TAPS) guides all transport, access and parking initiatives. This ensures the City’s approach to transport is consistent across the departments dealing with transport matters.
TAPS covers all modes of transport, aligns with the City’s strategic land use plans and outlines the strategies and specific actions that the City will take to ensure strategic and effective transport planning.
First initiated by Council in March 2017, feedback from community consultation informed the draft plan, and it was formally adopted by Council on 25 July 2017. A report is prepared each year, updating Council on the progress of TAPS. The strategy will be reviewed entirely every four years.