Organising a public event
Hosting a Public Event
If you are organising a public event, approval must be obtained from the City’s Health team, who will serve as your one point of contact throughout your event application and approval process. Please view the guide below for information on submitting an application. Contact the City’s Health team at for further queries.
Application forms
• Public Event Application Form (PDF, 241KB)
Food Provided or Sold
• Application to Operate a Temporary Food Stall (PDF, 411KB)
Street Market
• Application for a Street Market Permit (PDF, 121KB)
• Application for a Street Entertainment Permit (PDF, 201KB)
• Application for approval as a non-complying event (PDF, 593KB)
Transport Planning and Development
• Application to obstruct road or footpath (PDF, 170KB)
• Application for an order for a road closure (PDF, 18KB)
Parks and Environment Services
Parks bookings
The minimum park booking fee is $130 and the minimum bond amount is $430. The final park booking fee and bond amount are calculated using risk assessment criteria provided in the park booking form.
Compliance Services
• Application for commercial parking permits (PDF, 113KB)
For further information on organising a public event, please contact the City on 9237 9222 or email