Personal training permits
Residents living around the City’s parks and reserves enjoy the aesthetic, recreational and environmental value of these green open spaces.
The City’s parks are also beautiful and functional places to exercise.
A permit system regulates personal trainers and group fitness classes to ensure fitness activities do not impact on other users or residents living close to the City’s parks and reserves.
A valid permit is required for any personal training, teaching, coaching and commercial or non-commercial group fitness classes held in the City’s parks and reserves. The permit provides trainers with a specific area within selected parks, allowing them to operate at certain times with a set number of people.
To apply for a permit please read the personal trainers and commercial group fitness information pack and fill out the application form. Applications may be submitted by email to or in person to Lords Recreation Centre.
For more information on permit applications, please contact the City’s Sport and Recreation Officer on 6229 6600 or email