Accessible parking
ACROD Parking
There are a number of accessible parking bays (commonly known as ACROD bays) in the City of Subiaco. ACROD bays are easily identifiable using the international symbol of access (ISA), consisting of a blue square overlaid in white with a stylised image of a person in a wheelchair.
Who can use an ACROD bay?
Parking in accessible parking bays is only permitted for vehicles displaying a valid ACROD permit on the dashboard of their vehicle at all times. For more information on ACROD permit conditions, visit the National Disability Services website.
The ACROD Parking Program supports Western Australians with a severe walking restriction and Western Australians who are legally blind to access the community. ACROD Parking Permits are free. For more information on eligibility, visit the National Disability Services (NDS) website.
Significant fines are imposed for the misuse of ACROD parking bays. Stopping or parking in an ACROD bay without the display of a valid ACROD permit is not permitted for any length of time or for any purpose.
I am an ACROD permit holder, where can I park in the City of Subiaco?
ACROD parking is free of charge in designated ACROD parking bays, with an ACROD permit clearly displayed. If there are time restrictions stated on the ACROD parking sign, the ACROD permit holder will be required to adhere to the time restrictions.
When parking in a paid or ticket parking location (in a non-ACROD bay) ACROD permit holders are required to obtain a valid parking session, however double the time secured or paid for will be granted (provided the ACROD permit is clearly displayed at all times).