Wednesday, 08 February 2023

Proposed scheme amendment update

In February 2020, the City, Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and Minister for Planning finalised the City of Subiaco’s Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No. 5 (LPS 5).
A landowner is seeking an amendment to LPS 5 to increase the density of the street block bound by Railway Road, Waylen Road, Fortune Street and Morgan Street.
The City considered this scheme amendment at its 31 May 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting and unanimously resolved not to proceed with the proposal as it is inconsistent with the City’s Local Planning Strategy, Local Planning Scheme and the wider planning framework.
The landowner is making a representation to the Minister for Planning under section 76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, seeking to have the amendment advertised for public comment.
As part of this process, the City is preparing a comment for the WAPC (by 25 February 2023) on the amendment. After receiving the City’s comment, the Minister for Planning will consider whether the amendment should proceed to public consultation or not.
For more detailed information, including a Scheme Amendments FAQ, visit our Local Planning Controls and Policies webpage. We have also prepared a comprehensive FAQ on the proposed section 76 and amendment.

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