The City of Subiaco is calling for nominations from community representatives who would like to be part of the following committees:
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Disability Access and Inclusion Committee.
Appointments are offered for a two-year term or until the next Ordinary Local Government Election in October 2025.
Audit and Risk Committee
Nominations are invited for one representative of the community with local government experience and/or formal auditing or accounting or company director experience. Understanding of risk management and financial management is desirable.
Disability Access and Inclusion Committee
Nominations are invited for representatives that work with people with disability and/or with a lived experience of disability.
Nominations close 5pm Friday 29 September 2023. Please submit your nomination form via email to or in person at City of Subiaco Level 2, 388 Hay Street, Subiaco.
For further information including Nomination Forms and Terms of Reference, please visit the City’s website here or contact the City’s Governance team on 9237 9222.