Thursday, 24 November 2022
Subiaco Hotel additions to go to DAP
At its November Council Meeting, Council endorsed a report to go to the Metro Inner-North Joint Development Assessment Panel (DAP) for proposed additions to the Subiaco Hotel.
The Development Assessment Panel application proposes demolition of existing structures within a car parking area, partial demolition to the eastern façade, and construction of a single storey extension to the existing Subiaco Hotel.
The Subiaco Hotel is State Heritage Listed and the City referred the application to the Heritage Council of Western Australia. The additions will have minimal impact on the building’s heritage values.
The City also recommended a Noise Management Plan in relation to noise impacts so that any potential noise increase from a proposed elevated machinery and plant room could be designed out at the next stage in the process. Conditions to address a shortfall in bicycle parking were also recommended.
The Responsible Authority Report will now go to the DAP meeting, expected to be held in December 2022.