Thursday, 21 March 2024

Safe Active Street project gets go ahead

Developed in partnership with local government, the Department of Transport Safe Active Street (SAS) program is designed to transform local streets in to shared space travel routes that are more accessible for all road users, including cyclists and pedestrians. It does this by providing traffic calming infrastructure, road treatments and wayfinding that reduces vehicle speeds to 30km/h.

Evans Street, Excelsior Street and Keightley Road in Shenton Park have been identified as a popular cycle route for local residents and school students.

In September 2022 Council considered the Safe Active Street concept design and gave approval for the project to proceed to the detailed design stage. The detailed design stage of the project included site surveys, identification of any additional lighting or drainage requirements, and addressed community feedback.

At its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 March 2024, Council unanimously endorsed the detailed design. The detailed design will now be provided to Main Roads W.A. and the Department of Transport for approval.

City of Subiaco Mayor David McMullen said this project aims to facilitate a healthier, more physically active community, and a safer local road network.

“These changes will create safer, low-speed travel routes for people of all ages and abilities to ride and walk more comfortably within the Shenton Park neighbourhood.

“They will also form part of the wider bicycle network, connecting other travel routes and linking community amenities.

“The final design aims not to compromise or sacrifice the viability of Evans Street for use by local vehicular traffic.

“The City will monitor local traffic (including in the adjacent streets) to identify any unintended changes to traffic flow.”

The City would like to thank everyone who took part in the community consultation for the Safe Active Street project, with recognition of the high level of interest and engagement shown by residents in surrounding streets.

For more on the project, head to the Have Your Say Subiaco Safe Active Street project page
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