It has been six months since the City of Subiaco engaged The Salvation Army’s Homelessness Services Team to deliver a weekly walk-in centre at The Third Place on Barker Road in Subiaco.
In this time, the centre has seen 97 engagements with its services, which includes 93 walk-in visits, and four phone calls. People who have engaged with the centre span from 25 to 82 years of age.
Over the past six months, centre workers have successfully referred people to accommodation, mental health providers, and physical health services. Material aids provided include snacks, hot food, water bottles, clothing, sleeping bags, and hygiene packs.
Other assistance has also been provided, including showers, financial support, first aid, and specific information and advice.
Mayor David McMullen said, “Six months on from opening, it’s clear that the walk-in Subiaco homelessness centre is having a tangible impact in the provision of care and support to vulnerable people in the community.
“The statistics show that through the centre, the City and The Salvation Army are supporting people who – each due to their own different life circumstances – all lack security in their access to a place they can call home.”
The Salvation Army’s Assertive Outreach Team and Street Outreach Service continue to provide valuable support to the rough sleeping community, seven nights a week, within the City of Subiaco. Many rough sleeping individuals within the City have engaged with all three services (the walk-in centre and the two night-time services), which has provided continuity of care throughout the week.
Acting Manager Outreach Support Services at The Salvation Army Chairmay Van Der Merwe said, “The program facilitates a safe space where members of the community can have their basic needs met and gain access to a service that is welcoming, non-judgmental, and focusing on obtaining positive outcomes.
“Residents in the area remarked on being grateful for the presence of a service that is both responsive to addressing issues and the needs experienced by those accessing our services in the community.”
To read more about the centre, visit