Subi East is a step closer to becoming a connected green corridor after Council last night broadly approved a DevelopmentWA application that aims to create high quality open spaces and improvements to the existing streetscape.
Following community consultation, led by DevelopmentWA, Council determined that the application aligned with the vision of the Subi East Master Plan and was largely supported, subject to a number of matters being given due consideration.
These include further clarification around street trees, expanding a 30km/h speed zoning area, and amendments to the public toilets and change room facilities to assist community groups using the oval.
Should DevelopmentWA support the proposed works following consideration of these matters, a number of conditions have been recommended by the City including a lighting strategy, a tree protection and management plan, and more information about public amenities such as drink fountains, seating, bins, barbeques and bike racks.
Mayor Penny Taylor said Subi East was an important gateway to the City.
“Subi East will enhance vibrancy in our City and recognise the iconic nature and heritage elements of this much-loved area,” she said.
“The landscaping and public realm plans mark a significant stage in this important development, and we want DevelopmentWA to get this right for our community and future generations."
DevelopmentWA will determine the development application in due course.
Snapshot of the public realm and landscaping
The public realm and landscaping works are varied and include:
- a Six Seasons Biddi trail celebrating the history of the area,
- on street parking,
- a plaza at the retained heritage-listed entry gates,
- a Woody Meadow research landscape project,
- a running and walking track around the oval will incorporate representation of the Sandover Medal Walk,
- public art elements will recognise the iconic nature and heritage elements of the place,
- a community park supported by barbecue and picnic seated spaces will be serviced by amenities including toilets, temporary change rooms, lighting and shade structures, and
- a green link promoting safe pedestrian movement and a pedestrian priority zone from West Leederville train station.
For more information, visit the DevelopmentWA website.