A new civic building is a step closer after last night’s Council Meeting, where Council gave the green light to pursue a tender process for the selection of an architect to work on a concept design.
Built in the 1960s, the previous Council Chambers and Administration Building at 241 Rokeby Road is at the end of its useful life.
The City’s Corporate Business Plan 2021-2025 identified a plan for the redevelopment of the Administration Building and surrounding areas as a key priority.
As a means of beginning discussions about this project, the City obtained advice from an architect in early 2022.
A building fire in September 2022 gave additional impetus, to the project, and prompted a decision by the City to vacate the site and take a lease at 388 Hay Street.
At its December 2022 Meeting, Council resolved to progress the investigation of a rebuild of the building at 241 Rokeby Road, and have since engaged in a series of workshops with City staff and consultants to explore and consider fundamental aspects of the project.
Mayor David McMullen said, “The redevelopment of 241 Rokeby Road has been a key priority for the City since its inclusion in the Corporate Business Plan 2021-2025. The decision at this month’s Ordinary Council Meeting to pursue an architectural tender process is a significant step in this important project.
“Apart from being a direct response to demonstrated need, the redevelopment project is an opportunity for us to deliver a facility that will stand the test of time, and which the Subiaco community can feel ownership in.”
Along with the Administration Building, the architect (once appointed) will also conceptualise a master plan for the building’s surrounds to make the most out of the civic precinct and its garden setting.
Mayor David McMullen said, “Now that an architectural procurement method has been selected, we can identify key milestones and start mapping out a community consultation process – which will be programmed following the appointment of an architect.
“This will be a long project, with many decisions to be made. The community should expect that each staff recommendation, and each Council decision, has ratepayer value for money front and centre of mind.”
More information will be provided in the coming months via the City’s website and other channels.