The City of Subiaco was recognised at the Planning Institute of Australia’s State Award for Planning Excellence on Friday night.
The awards recognise organisations that showcase leading practices across a range of planning disciplines, and the City’s Local Planning Policy 7.2 - Refunding, Reducing and Waiving Planning Fees took out the Improving Planning Processes Award.
The policy, which was endorsed by Council in June 2023, offers a 25 per cent reduction in Development Application (DA) fees for applicants who engage their neighbours as part of their DA process.
Strategic Planning Officer Emily Crosby was also recognised at the awards, receiving a Commendation for the Young Planner of the Year Award.
Mayor David McMullen was thrilled to see this innovating planning policy recognised at the awards.
"The policy is a WA first, the way it provides a financial incentive to encourage engagement between applicants and neighbouring landowners prior to lodging a Development Application.
"This is much-deserved, state level industry recognition for the innovative work of the City of Subiaco's Planning team. My congratulations go to them for winning this award, and for the Commendation received in the Young Planner of the Year category."