At its meeting on 28 June 2022, Council endorsed modifications to the Kings Road and Chesters’ Subdivision Heritage Areas, and the associated local planning policies.
After consultation with residents, 14 properties in Hamersley Road, Kings Road and Francis Street will be added to the Kings Road Heritage Area, and 14 properties in Hamersley Road and Heytesbury Road will be added to the Chesters’ Subdivision Heritage Area.
Designating a heritage area introduces checks and balances to assist in conserving and enhancing the streetscapes’ key heritage features and notable character, with little to no impact on changes homeowners may wish to make to parts of their property behind the street interface.
At the same meeting, Council also endorsed the reviewed West Subiaco Precinct Local Heritage Survey (LHS). The LHS identifies places that form part of the cultural and historical record of the area. It is not an instrument for development control, but may inform future decisions about heritage preservation and protection.
Heritage Act 2018 requires local governments to prepare and regularly review their LHS. The last time the City reviewed the West Subiaco precinct was in 2002. This most recent review is a key component of the City’s Strategic Community Plan and Heritage Strategy and it was undertaken with input from a Heritage Reference Group made up of local community members.
“The City of Subiaco has a rich history and strong identity. We know heritage is valued by our community, because they tell us so. It makes Subiaco who we are.” Mayor David McMullen said.
“With every heritage-related decision that Council is asked to make, residents are always at the forefront of our minds. When residents are presented with things like heritage surveys and heritage areas, information is key. The City’s Heritage Advisory Service is one of a range of assistance measures the City offers, whereby owners of heritage places can obtain complimentary advice from a local architect engaged by the City. We encourage anyone living in heritage areas to contact the City if they have any queries.”
More information on the Heritage Advisory Service can be found on the City’s website: