Monday, 08 July 2024

New pathway art making pedestrians safer

The City of Subiaco's innovative pilot safety initiative – featuring vibrant pathway paintings to protect pedestrians from low-hanging tree branches – has just been completed. 

The final artwork can be viewed on the pathway outside of 16 Waverley Street, Shenton Park.

The project, which includes completed murals at 269 Nicholson Road and 86 Murchison Street, has been met with enthusiastic community feedback. The initiative not only enhances safety but also brings vibrancy to the streets and supports local artists.

Traditionally, caution signs were used to alert pedestrians to low-hanging branches, but these signs were often overlooked or removed. The colourful murals offer a more effective and engaging solution.

The City of Subiaco would like to thank the artists, Tricia Steadman and Diana Kelly, the community and field staff that brought this creative project to life.

If you have a low-hanging branches over the pathway in your area, and would like to be a part of the program, please take a photo of the branch and email to

extraMile by Dapth