Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Have your say: Central Subiaco Precinct Parking Plan

The City is currently reviewing its Central Subiaco Precinct Parking Plan and is seeking feedback from the community.

Parking plans are developed to help balance the needs of residents and visitors to town centre areas, and can provide convenient and efficient access to local businesses and services.

This map outlines the boundaries of the Central Parking Precinct.

Since the plan’s original endorsement by Council in 2019, parking controls throughout the Central Parking Precinct have been largely effective, however, some adjustments are required to adapt to changes in the area.

These changes seek to address increased business activity near Duke Street, and parking congestion on streets surrounding King Edward Memorial Hospital.

Consultation – tell us your thoughts

Consultation for this project is open from Tuesday 30 July to Monday 26 August 2024.

To view the proposed parking refinements and draft plan, visit this link: https://www.haveyoursay.subiaco.wa.gov.au/csppp.
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