Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Grants support inclusion, connection and mental health

In its latest round of Community Development Grants, the City awarded $15,000 to four community-focussed organisations aimed at promoting and supporting social connection, mental health, inclusivity and creativity through theatre and music.

Barking Gecko Theatre
Barking Gecko Theatre’s Ticketing Access Program ensures disadvantaged and vulnerable children in Western Australia can access high-quality arts experiences. Their 2025 Ticketing Access Program will enable 100 young people and their families to attend the production of Hoods being held at the Subiaco Arts Centre in May. They will receive complimentary tickets and vouchers to use at Subiaco businesses.

WAYTCo's 24Hour Play Generator is a high-energy, short-form theatre event for Perth youth, now in its ninth year. It provides unique training and performance opportunities, promotes local business collaboration, and fosters arts education. The event will be at Subiaco Arts Centre and includes three key events: writing process, rehearsal process, performance process, with 74 creative artists.

Catch Music Inc.
Two concerts will be delivered at Shenton Park Community Centre showcasing original songs by Catch Music participants, alongside emerging and established artists from the City of Subiaco. It highlights contributions from people with disabilities, mental illness, and disadvantaged backgrounds as performers and songwriters, promoting inclusion, creativity, and awareness through music.

The Baden Street Singers
This grant will go towards four public rehearsals at Shenton Park Community Centre for 20 participants, culminating in a public performance. The program, targeting the LGBTIQA+ community, promotes mental health and social connection.

Community Development Grants help fund cultural and community programs, service and support. Find out more and apply on our website.
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