What we do
Local government elected members, who include the Mayor and Councillors, are members of an elected body that makes decisions on behalf of a local government through a formal meeting process.
The role of each elected member is to:
• Represent the interests of electors, ratepayers and residents.
• Provide leadership and guidance to the community.
• Facilitate two-way communication between the community and the council.
• Participate in decision making processes at meetings.
Elected Members represent the interests of all electors and residents. The representational role of an elected member does not mean that he or she has a duty to support all suggestions made. An elected member should consider the varying views of the community and then make decisions in the best interests of the whole district.
The Local Government Act 1995 requires the City to adopt a code of conduct for council members (elected members), committee members and local government election candidates. This enables professional relationships to be established and maintained in the interests of providing good governance, overall integrity, and good government for the community.
For more information, visit www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au.