Friday, 21 January 2022

Vaccination certificate and ServiceWA app help sessions

New State Government directions mean you need to show proof of vaccination at many venues to help keep our community safe.
The City is now running regular sessions to help you access and download your vaccination certificate, plus how to use the new ServiceWA app on your phone.
The ServiceWA app can be used to check-in to venues as well as show digital proof of your vaccination status.
The free drop-in sessions are on every weekday morning at Subiaco Library from 9.30am to 12pm.
You can drop-in and wait for assistance or you can book in a time by calling Subiaco Library on 9237 9300.
There are also two group information sessions for help with vaccination certificates and ServiceWA on Monday 31 January and Wednesday 9 February.
For more, visit Subiaco Library services page.

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