In accordance with the recommendation from Structerre Consulting and Council’s resolution, the City commissioned an additional assessment and report on the buildings by a structural engineer with heritage expertise (Quoin Consulting). Quoin inspected the sites last Wednesday and the interim report was delivered on Friday 19 February.
The consultants from the City’s initial structural engineering report (Structerre) met with Quoin and the City on Monday where possible solutions for the urgent partial reopening of Hay Street for businesses were discussed. It was agreed that Quoin would complete some additional work before presenting this to the City to enable agreement on the best way forward.
Quoin has completed this additional work and the City is working through their recommendations with them before discussions can commence with Sanur and their structural engineers. Sanur will be provided a copy of the Quoin report later today.
A Special Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 2 March to discuss the matter.
The City is extremely conscious of the inconvenience this closure has caused to businesses and is working urgently to reopen to road.
Parking to open west of Catherine Street
The City has identified an opportunity to maximise parking in the area between Catherine Street and the exclusion zone while Hay Street is closed, with the direction of a traffic controller on site. We are now finalising the details with Sanur.
A message from Acting CEO Cliff Frewing
“We want to see Hay Street open and the local businesses here thriving but, unfortunately, there is no simple solution here. The City is working on this day-in and day-out as a matter of urgency. There is no danger from these buildings outside of the exclusion zone so I encourage people to visit Subiaco and come and support our local businesses.”