Minimum time, maximum effort, real results – Lords Recreation Centre’s latest group class offering ‘SWEAT’ officially launches today.
Designed to build strength and improve cardiovascular fitness, SWEAT classes have a maximum capacity of 12 people, giving participants the benefits of one-on-one training within a friendly and encouraging group atmosphere.
Each SWEAT class features different exercises with different interval timings, often utilising EMOM (every minute on the minute) and AMRAP (as many reps as possible) structures.
SWEAT classes are 45 minutes long, and are scheduled for 6:15 to 7am, Monday to Friday. Bookings are essential via the
Lords booking portal.
Lords offers a wide variety of group fitness classes to suit all ages and fitness levels, including high-intensity cardio, weight and strength classes, and mind and body sessions to improve your flexibility and mental clarity. View their current
group fitness timetable for class and schedule details.