Wednesday, 03 March 2021

Roadmap to reopen Hay Street

  • Install hoarding to enable the expeditious safe partial reopening of Hay Street
  • Investigate opportunities to support the businesses impacted by the closure
  • Make the report, attachments and decisions from the Special Council Meeting public
  • Issue the property owner with a building order to stabilise 424 – 436 Hay Street and repair 440 Hay Street
  • Open the remainder of Hay Street once these works are complete
At last night’s Special Council Meeting, Council decided on the next steps to urgently reopen the road in front of 424 – 436 and 440 Hay Street after it was closed in February for safety reasons.
Council authorised the CEO to appoint a consultant to design and install hoarding to act as a barrier which would allow the safe partial reopening of the area (one lane of traffic and one lane of parking) enabling traffic to pass through once more as well as easier access to local businesses.
The City has been extremely conscious of the impact this closure has had on businesses and has been working urgently to try to reopen the road while ensuring public safety.
With this in mind, part of the unanimous Council resolution from last night included investigating opportunities through the City’s economic development initiatives and promotional assistance to support the businesses impacted by the closure.
“I’m pleased we now have a roadmap to reopen Hay Street,” Acting CEO Cliff Frewing said. “I know the businesses, residents and wider community have been suffering due to this closure and I want them to know we are moving as quickly as we can to implement these steps and get the road open once more.
“The consultants have advised that there is no danger from these buildings outside of the exclusion zone so I encourage people to visit Subiaco and come and support our local businesses.”
The City will be issuing building orders to the property owner to stabilise 424 – 436 Hay Street using a temporary support structure and repair 440 Hay Street. The stabilisation works will need to be completed within 28 days and the repair works will need to be completed within 84 days, but the City is strongly encouraging Sanur to complete the works as soon as possible to avoid ongoing disruption to businesses in the area.
Subject to the stabilisation and repair work being completed by Sanur, the City will then reopen the remainder of Hay Street so the full two lanes of traffic and two lanes of parking are available.
Recently, the Heritage Council noted that the buildings on 424 – 436 and 440 Hay Street have local heritage significance through their contribution to the City’s Rokeby Road and Hay Street Conservation Area.
The Special Council Meeting report, attachments and decision will be available on the City’s website shortly.
extraMile by Dapth