Thursday, 27 May 2021

Hay Street DA for demolition refused

Hay Street development application for demolition refused

At a Special Council Meeting tonight, Council refused an application to demolish the buildings at 424-436 and 440 Hay Street.

These buildings have heritage significance and contribute positively to the Rokeby Road and Hay Street Heritage area, and the application was inconsistent with a number of elements of the planning framework which seeks to protect and preserve the City’s heritage and character.

Community consultation on the application showed strong objection to demolition; 136 submissions were received with 82 objecting to demolition, 36 in support of demolition, and 18 providing comment only.

Heritage is a key focus of the Strategic Community Plan – the community’s mandate to the City – specifically to identify and conserve heritage places, and ensure new developments are respectful of the built heritage and the character of the streetscapes.

The owners of these properties lodged an application with the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) in March after the City issued building orders which included stabilisation works to 424-436 Hay Street – an important step in working towards a safe full reopening of the road.

No decision has been made on this matter by SAT yet.


In February, Hay Street was closed between Catherine Street and Rokeby Road after the owners of 424-436 and 440 advised the City of structural issues with these properties.

In March, the landowner’s structural engineers agreed with the City’s specialist structural engineers that the two-storey building was not at risk of collapse, allowing the exclusion zone to be reduced enough to open one lane of traffic and one lane of parking.

Before the SAT hearing, which appealed the building orders and heritage conservation notices, the City made two proposals to the property owners to help complete the stabilisation works required to enable to fast-track the full reopening of Hay Street – neither proposal was accepted.

The City continues to work towards a safe full reopening of Hay Street and is supporting local businesses in this area which have been impacted.
extraMile by Dapth