Friday, 03 June 2022

City to reduce single-use plastic

The City will investigate opportunities to reduce single-use plastics and increase recycling in its day-to-day operations, after a decision made by Council on Tuesday 31 May.

The Elected Members’ Motion flagged the opportunity as Plastic Free July approaches, noting that reducing the City’s use of single-use plastics is an action in its Waste Plan 2020-2025.

The plan also encourages a more circular economy while guiding the City in sustainable waste and recycling practices.

During Plastic Free July, the City will deliver a special event and roll out communications to improve education around plastic pollution and encourage people to switch single-use plastics for more environmentally-friendly alternatives.

Stay tuned on the City’s website and social media channels for more about upcoming Plastic Free July initiatives.

Find out more on the City’s other sustainability initiatives.
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