Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Annual Electors’ Meeting 2020

The 2020 Annual Electors’ Meeting will be held at 6pm on Thursday 12 August at Council Chambers, Administration Centre (241 Rokeby Road).

The meeting was rescheduled after last night’s Council Meeting where Elected Members accepted the 2019/20 Annual Report.

The Annual Electors’ Meeting was originally scheduled to take place late last year but due to the pandemic and State Government restrictions, the meeting had to be cancelled.

For an electors’ meeting to be held, a local government must wait for its annual financial statements to be signed off by the Office of the Auditor General and included within an annual report.

In November 2020, a number of changes were made to regulations which had to be applied retrospectively to the 2019/20 annual financial statements. This resulted in many local governments across the state undertaking significant work to amend their financial reports and resubmit to their auditors.

The updated financial statements were signed off by the Office of the Auditor General in early July 2021.

The format of the City’s Annual Electors’ Meeting will include welcome and introduction, discussion of the annual report contents and other general business.

The annual report and financial statements will be available on the City’s website shortly. Some hard copies will be available at the meeting.

To speak at the meeting, please notify the City by providing your name, address and statement marked to the attention of the Chief Executive Officer and either email to, fax to 9237 9200 or post to PO Box 270, Subiaco WA 6904 by 5pm Wednesday 11 August 2021. Those who do so will be given preference in determining the order of speakers.
extraMile by Dapth