At its Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 May 2024 Council designated the Park Street Heritage Area. Designating a heritage area means Council can apply special planning to conserve and enhance the cultural heritage significance and character of the area. The heritage area comprises:
- 91 – 121 Park Street, Subiaco
- 87 – 142 Townshend Road, Subiaco
- 3 Kings Road, Subiaco
- 77 - 121 Bagot Road, Subiaco
- 67 – 96 Olive Street, Subiaco
The Park Street Heritage Area is made up of a collection of aesthetically pleasing streetscapes with a strong heritage character. Most properties in the area make some or considerable contribution to the traditional character of the area and have retained a medium to high level of authenticity.
The original houses in the area reflect the diverse nature of Subiaco, and include the larger homes of successful businessmen, the more modest, but still well-built, family homes of white-collar workers and skilled tradesmen; plus small cottages and terraces suitable for junior employees, labourers, widows and others of lesser means.
Park Street Heritage Area Assessment contains detailed information on the cultural heritage significance of the area and the individual places within it.
One of the ways the City celebrates its local history is through the Local Heritage Survey (LHS). The LHS provides a cultural and historical record of the area and tells the story of the development of the district.
The City has recently completed reviews of the LHS for the Triangle, West Subiaco, and Daglish Precincts.
here to view a copy of the Triangle Precinct LHS.
here to view a copy of the West Subiaco Precinct LHS.
here to view a copy of the Daglish LHS.
If you own a property listed on the Heritage List or a contributory place within a heritage area you may be eligible to apply for funding through the City of Subiaco heritage grants fund.
For more information and to apply, please see the Heritage Grants Fund Information Sheet and the Heritage Grant Fund Application Form.
The first round of heritage grants for the 2024/25 financial year has opened and applications close Monday 30 September 2024 at 5pm.
If you would like to receive notifications when heritage grant rounds open please email your name, address and preferred email contact to
For further information please contact the City's Heritage Officer on 9237 9222.
Have you wondered what your property looked like 100 years ago? You can find out using a free online resource launched by the State Records Office of WA.
With the ‘RetroMaps’ site you can search by address, look for your house and compare the old plan with today’s aerial.
Using this resource you can see your property “now and then”, including how your house has changed and also your neighbourhood. Discover where people kept their chooks, vines, and wells, and which homes had windmills, stables, cowsheds and tennis courts.
Have you ever wanted to unlock the history of your house? Thanks to a new brochure you now have the keys – where to go and the things to look for.
The brochure is a one-stop-shop detailing useful and readily accessible resources that can help to fill out the picture of your property. Importantly it also provides detail on the type of information that can be gleaned from each resource, how and where they can be accessed, and tips on how to use the resources effectively.
Brochure - Researching the history of your property