Starting a business in Subiaco
Use this page to search for and find detailed statistical information sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) about the demographic profile of the City of Subiaco.
City of Subiaco community profile
The City of Subiaco community profile includes results from the 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, and 1991 Censuses of Population and Housing. The profile is designed to enable community groups, businesses, students, investors and the general public to find demographic information and statistics about the City and its sub-areas in a simple, easy-to-use format.
Data is displayed in clear tables and charts with concise, factual commentary.
You can also find information about the City of Subiaco's economic development position, including employment, industry, tourism and hospitality, by exploring the City’s economic profile.
The City of Subiaco experienced a boundary change on 1 July 2016, that saw the portion of the City south of Aberdare Road shifted to the City of Perth. The ABS statistics for the 2016 Census do not reflect this. The .id statistics in the City of Subiaco community profile have been adjusted to account for the boundary change.
Planning for the future
In the 2016 census the City of Subiaco had an Estimated Resident Population of 17, 066, which is expected to grow to 20 316 by 2026.
At the same time the number of residential dwellings is projected to grow from 8 410 at the 2016 Census to 10, 228 in 2026.
Find out how the City is planning for this growth and development through the strategic land use and planning page.